Little's finally big enough to move into his new condo!

We set up a cat carrier with a board run to the tree next to our porch; yet throughout Little's life he regularly came in through the cat door to visit; and raid our pantry for peanuts. Little also regularly jumped on my head from our porch umbrella when he wanted to visit! We learned baby squirrels must have B vitamins to survive to grow to this point or they will not make it; and squirrels do not like to take their vitamins!

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Little was tiny when we found him laying on the lawn after tree trimming maintenance; we raised him inside and bottle fed him formula and B vitamins until he was able to consume solid foods. Finally we were able to move him to his outside flat; yet he often preferred to be with us in ours!

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Little thrived in his new condo; coming and going and exploring his world, and he always loved to eat. Then after he had gotten bigger we did not see him for a long while; then one day he returned with a mate and a very chewed up ear from scraping we assumed. After this we regularly left food out for them, and he would frequently invite himself him to visit or raid the pantry!

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This is Max and our beloved orange tabby Boo Boo who was with us over 20 years


This is Nala and Simba who we adapted earlier in 2021